Paint our town maroon for Homecoming! Comment a picture of you wearing your maroon to support our Vernon Lions on Friday!
over 2 years ago, Vernon ISD
Spirit Friday
We're thrilled to announce the new app for Vernon ISD! It's everything Vernon ISD, in your pocket. Check out this short video on what you can do with the new Vernon ISD app: Download for Android: Download for iPhone:
over 2 years ago, Vernon ISD
Vernon ISD App
🍕SEPTEMBER CAFETERIA MENU🍔 Here is the September Cafeteria Menu:
over 2 years ago, Vernon ISD
REMINDER Due to additional safety measures put in place this school year, any visitor must bring a valid driver's license or government ID when entering the school. In addition, no student will be released to anyone without that valid ID.
over 2 years ago, Vernon ISD
Bring your ID
🏈JV FOOTBALL TICKETS FOR 8/25 GAME IN CITY VIEW🏈 The JV Football Game will be in City View on August 25. Tickets are only being sold online. Here is the link to purchase tickets for that game:
over 2 years ago, Vernon ISD
ATHLETIC TICKETS All tickets for home athletic events at Vernon Middle School and Vernon High School need to be purchased via an app or on our website. Here is the link with more information or to purchase:
over 2 years ago, Vernon ISD
🍕AUGUST CAFETERIA MENU🍔 Here is the cafeteria menu for all campuses in August:
over 2 years ago, Vernon ISD
❔NOT SEEING YOUR SCHEDULE ON SKYWARD❔ Student schedules are released on Skyward today. However, if you have NOT completed online registration you will not see your schedule. Here are instructions to complete online registration: If you need assistance, please reach out to your campus or contact Lorrie Pring at All school and district offices will close at noon today, Friday, August 12.
over 2 years ago, Vernon ISD
Not seeing your schedule?
📢SAFETY AND SECURITY UPDATES📢 With students coming back to school next week, we wanted to share with you all the updates that have been done at Vernon ISD for the safety and security of everyone. Please see this letter for all of the information:
over 2 years ago, Vernon ISD
🏈MIDNIGHT MADNESS🏈 Join us at Leo Brittain Stadium at 12:01 AM on Saturday, August 6 for Midnight Madness!
over 2 years ago, Vernon ISD
Midnight Madness
New stadium updates
📄CLEAR THE LISTS 📄 We have compiled a list with Amazon Wish Lists that our teachers have created for their classroom! If you would like to help out a teacher, just visit our list where you can see the teacher, their school/grade, list link, and more information! Thank you for supporting our teachers! Here is the link to the list:
over 2 years ago, Vernon ISD
Clear the List
🚌BUS AIDES NEEDED🚌 We need to hire some aides for our buses! Please contact Victoria Armstrong at 940-553-1900 for more information and to apply!
over 2 years ago, Vernon ISD
Bus Aide Job Posting
⭐Meet the Teachers and Meet the Lions is Scheduled!⭐ Meet the Teachers will be held on Thursday, August 11 and Meet the Lions will be held on Monday, August 15. Please see the attached images for specific times.
over 2 years ago, Vernon ISD
Meet the Teacher
Meet the Lions
SKYWARD GLITCH!! It has come to our attention that Skyward is currently experiencing a glitch. When parents try to reset their Skyward password, or try to sign up for a new account, they are not getting the emails from Skyward. We are aware of this issue and have reached out to our contacts with the company. We will update when we are informed the issue is resolved. Thank you for your patience!
over 2 years ago, Vernon ISD
🏈IMPORTANT FOOTBALL INFORMATION🏈 It's that time of year again - Friday Night Football!!!! Our Athletic Director, Mr. Kevin Sherrill has important information that all football players and parents need to know! Here is a link to all of that important information including the Two-A-Day Schedule: We also have the 2022 Football Schedule available. Here is that link: If you have any questions regarding football, please reach out to Mr. Kevin Sherrill at (940) 553-3377 ext: 3127, or via email at
over 2 years ago, Vernon ISD
If you need assistance with enrolling your student at Vernon ISD, please join us and we will assist you! Date: August 1, 2022 Time: 7:30am-11:00am and 3:00pm-7:00pm Location: Vernon Middle School Please see the attached image for required documents for enrollment and more information!
over 2 years ago, Vernon ISD
📅 2022-2023 VERNON ISD SCHOOL CALENDAR📅 Attached is the most updated Vernon ISD School Calendar for the 2022-2023 school year. If you would like a printable calendar you can open this link:
over 2 years ago, Vernon ISD
2022-2023 School Calendar
End of Course STAAR results for 2022 are now available. The release date for STAAR grades 3-8 is now scheduled for tomorrow, July 1. To access your child's scores, visit and enter your child's unique access code.
over 2 years ago, Vernon ISD
Texas Assessment instructions
Vernon ISD would like to welcome Mr. Carl Taylor as our Interim Superintendent. Mr. Taylor will be here on July 11, 2022.
over 2 years ago, Vernon ISD
Welcome Letter
Mr. Taylor Photo
👕VISD DRESS CODE 2022-2023👚 Please see the new student dress code for Vernon ISD for the 2022-2023 school year. There is a section for secondary and elementary dress codes. Here is the new dress code:
over 2 years ago, Vernon ISD