Our annual Mock Wreck -- to show seniors and juniors the dangers of driving while under the influence -- occurred Tuesday morning on the south side of the football stadium. A big thank you to the Vernon PD, Vernon FD, Wilbarger County Sheriff's Office, Sullivan Funeral Home and Air Vac for helping with this presentation.
10 months ago, Vernon ISD
Tuesday afternoon Vernon High School held a reception recognizing members of our Class of 2024 who will be joining the military after graduation. Our seniors who will be serving our country in the Armed Forces are: Keyshawn Edwards, Preston Overby, Danielle Parker and Johnny Pruitt Jr., in the Marines; Vincent Houck and T.J. Thomas in the Navy; and Shyne Rodriguez, Jas No La and Nay Moo in the Army. We are proud of these students for their decision to serve defending our nation.
10 months ago, Vernon ISD
military marines
military navy
military army
Here are a few more pictures from our 1st grade Field Day held Tuesday morning at Lion Stadium. Our students enjoyed participating in the sack race, softball throw, shuttle race, egg race and more.
10 months ago, Vernon ISD
On Tuesday, our 1st grade students spent their morning at Lion Stadium participating in their annual Field Day. They had a blast competing in the sack race, softball throw, shuttle race, egg race and more.
10 months ago, Vernon ISD
Some of our VISD students have been recommended for summer school. If your child has been recommended for summer school, you should have received a letter with a QR code. The QR code allows you to register your child for summer school. You can also register your child be following this link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdJWBax664wv1hqiVIBa7hFBRWDrsXfuBzLUdKE-5Z4Cneu3w/viewform?usp=sf_link Please complete the registration process. If you need assistance with registering your child, in person registration will be at VMS in the Library on May 29th and 30th from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
10 months ago, Vernon ISD
summerschool registration
Monday morning VHS held its Senior Pep Rally for the Class of 2024. During the pep rally each sport and organization at the high school was spotlighted along with the seniors who are involved in each activity. A slide show of the seniors was also shown, along with a slide show of former teachers and coaches offering words of wisdom and encouragement to our Class of 2024. The pep rally ended with the seniors lining up to sing the Alma Mater.
10 months ago, Vernon ISD
If your child has medication at their school, please stop by and pick it up by the last day of school. The medication cannot be sent home with the student and it cannot stay at the school during the summer. If you have any questions, please contact your campus school nurse.
10 months ago, Vernon ISD
medication pickup
Stop by D.O. Fulton Gym today between 1 p.m. and 2 p.m., and help us recognize and thank the members of our 2024 graduating class who are entering the military.
10 months ago, Vernon ISD
Sunday afternoon VHS seniors took part in a county-wide Baccalaureate service organized by the Wilbarger County Ministerial Alliance.
10 months ago, Vernon ISD
The WGH Physicians Group is offering FREE sports physicals today starting at 6 p.m. All incoming 7th, 9th and 11th grade students, along with any student who suffered a major injury or had surgery during this year, must take a sports physical before they will be allowed to participate in any school sponsored sport. Sports physical forms are available from school coaches or athletic trainer. Forms must be filled out prior to the student taking the physical.
10 months ago, Vernon ISD
sports physicals
Mark your calendar!! Tuesday it is Donuts with Dads Day at VES!!! The event starts at 7 a.m., in the cafeteria. Please make plans to attend, Our students light up when a member of their family shows up at their campus to attend an event.
10 months ago, Vernon ISD
ves donuts with dads
What an AWESOME accomplishment!!! The VHS Class of 2024 has a 100% graduation rate!! What a testament to our students and their families, our teachers, our counselors and our administration.
10 months ago, Vernon ISD
100 grad rate
Tomorrow it will be Donuts with Dad at McCord. The fun event will start at 7 a.m., in the cafeteria. Dads, please use the cafeteria entrance, the south door, to enter the building.
10 months ago, Vernon ISD
donuts with dad
Our VHS Class of 2024 Baccalaureate Service will be held at 2 p.m., tomorrow, at the First Methodist Church.
10 months ago, Vernon ISD
Last week was Science Week for our 1st grade students and several science events were held throughout the week. One day high school students from Mrs. Allison Stanley's physics class and they did several experiments with the students. Those experiments included: spontaneous combustion with glycerin and potassium permanganate then elephant toothpaste! The high school students then grouped up with the first graders and competed to build the tallest tower out of marshmallows and toothpicks. The tallest tower was about 26 cm tall!
10 months ago, Vernon ISD
physics 1
physics 2
physics 3
physics 4
physics 5
physics 6
physics 7
physics 8
physics 9
physics 10
Here are more photos that feature members of our Vernon ISD family participating in the Santa Rosa Rodeo Parade that was held Wednesday afternoon. We had over 200 students, teachers and staff participating in the community event.
10 months ago, Vernon ISD
doans king queen
rlband 1 parade
rlband 2 parade
rlband 3 parade
vc float
little lions float
chaos float
camp fire float
black history float
spectators parade
Over 200 members of our Vernon ISD family participated in the Santa Rosa Parade held Wednesday afternoon. Our McCord, Elementary School and Middle School all had floats in the parade, while our VHS seniors rode on fire department trucks. Other members of the VISD family rode on floats of various businesses and organizations.
10 months ago, Vernon ISD
visd flag horses parade
mccord float
ves float
vms float
vhs seniors 1 parade
vhs senior 2 parade
vhs seniors 3 parade
vms cheerleaders parade
vhs cheerleaders parade
vhs squad leaders parade
Last week was Science Week for our 1st grade students and science events were held throughout the week. One of those experiments involved using Mentos candy to make a bottled soft drink into a rocket.
10 months ago, Vernon ISD
coke rocket 1
coke rocket  2
coke rocket 3
Last week was Science Week for our 1st grade students. Special science events were held throughout the week. One of those involved using a watermelon, putting rubber bands around it and counting how many rubber bands it would take to make it explode. This year it took 285 before the watermelon blew its top.
10 months ago, Vernon ISD
We have several members of the Class of 2024 who are joining the military after graduation. Please join us in honoring their decision to serve their country.
10 months ago, Vernon ISD