Our Lady Lions will be in action Saturday morning as they host the City View Lady Mustangs in a District 7-3A battle.
over 1 year ago, Vernon ISD
Lions open District 3-3A, Div. 1 action tonight at Leo Brittain Field at Lion Stadium.
over 1 year ago, Vernon ISD
Vernon ISD has released details on dropping off and picking up students at the new Vernon Elementary School. Students will begin attending the new school when classes resume Tuesday, Oct. 10. Check out the photos below and read the news article by clicking this link: https://www.vernonisd.org/article/1275379
over 1 year ago, Vernon ISD
morning afternoon
morning drop off
exit ves
Today is World Teachers Day!!! THANK YOU to all of our teachers!!! You guys ROCK!!!
over 1 year ago, Vernon ISD
world teacher day
The Vernon ISD Administrative Center and our school campuses will be closed Thursday, Friday and Monday, for an early Fall break. Our administrative offices and school campuses will resume regular hours on Tuesday.
over 1 year ago, Vernon ISD
early fall break
2nd thru 5th graders walked into their new Vernon Elementary School building for the first time as students this morning, as they went through a "mock school day" at their new campus. There were plenty of smiles, along with "Oooohs" and "Aaaaws," to go around, as the students were led to their homerooms and were then shown where their other classrooms were located. Students also ate lunch in their new cafeteria before being bused back to Central and Shive for the final 2 hours of school at the old campuses. The first day of school at the new campus will be this coming Tuesday, Oct. 10
over 1 year ago, Vernon ISD
mock day 1
mock day 2
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Earning VHS Teacher of the Month honors for September was Roarin' Lion Band co-director Aaron Burr, while the VHS Staff of the Month honor for September went to classroom coach Valorie Handley. Congratulations to both!!!
over 1 year ago, Vernon ISD
In Economics class seniors are currently studying the commodities market and they took a field trip Tuesday to the Vernon Sale Barn to watch cattle being sold. A couple of students took a turn at being the auctioneer. Only 7 of the 122 students who were on the field trip had ever been to the sale barn before. A big Thank You! to the Vernon Sale Barn for allowing our students to attend the sale.
over 1 year ago, Vernon ISD
The VHS Students of the Month for September were: 9th Grade -- Claire Mayo & Brady Edmonds; 10th Grade -- Sharea Long & Ezquiel Amador; 11th Grade -- Sienna Thomas & Atticus Mixon; and 12th Grade -- Whitney Rushing & Kell Castleberry. The Overall Student of the Month was Sienna Thomas. Congratulations!! Great Job!! Keep Up the Good Work!!
over 1 year ago, Vernon ISD
Central and Shive students to visit new Vernon Elementary School tomorrow. "Before Vernon ISD students, teachers and staff are released later this week for a much-anticipated early fall break, Central and Shive Elementary students are going to get an early treat – having a “Mock School Day” at the new Vernon Elementary School on Wednesday. And, school is released Wednesday, students will walk out of Central and Shive for the last time, and walk into Vernon Elementary School for the first “official” day of school at the new campus when classes resume Tuesday morning." To read the entire story, click this link https://www.vernonisd.org/article/1270155
over 1 year ago, Vernon ISD
Our Lion tennis team wraps up its regular fall season schedule at home this afternoon in a district match against Wichita Falls High School. Our senior players and their parents will be recognized prior to the start of the match. Senior ceremony will begin at 4 p.m. While this is the final regular season match, the Lions will be moving on to the Class 4A Team Tennis playoffs.
over 1 year ago, Vernon ISD
tennis promo
Tickets for Friday's District 3-3A, Division 1 opener between our Lions and the Clyde Bulldogs at Leo Brittain Field at Lion Stadium must be purchased online. Click this link to purchase tickets: https://www.vernonisd.org/page/ticket-purchases
over 1 year ago, Vernon ISD
Our Lady Lions open the second round of District 7-3A volleyball action this evening in Jacksboro against the Tigerettes. JV games begin at 5 p.m., with varsity set to go at 6 p.m.
over 1 year ago, Vernon ISD
Vernon ISD trustees and Vernon Chamber of Commerce Red Coats joined Vernon ISD Supt. Dr. Kermit Ward, Assistant Supt. Blaise Boswell, and Vernon Elementary Principal Leslie Powell for a ribbon cutting for the new Vernon Elementary School building. Students from Central Elementary and Shive Elementary will begin attending the new campus on Tuesday, Oct. 10.
over 1 year ago, Vernon ISD
ves ribbon cutting
Honored as Students of the Week for last week were: 6th Grade -- Sophia Perez & Jonathan Fuentes; 7th Grade -- Emma Sharp & Xaven Leija (not pictured); and 8th grade -- Jacqueline Diaz & Jesse Meija. Your photo will be on the digital sign at VMS and the Admin Building all week. Congratulations & Great Job!!
over 1 year ago, Vernon ISD
sow week 6
Our Vernon Chamber of Commerce ribbon cutting for our Vernon Elementary School will be held at 2 p.m., today. Unfortunately, we will not be offering tours of the school since we are in the middle of moving our Central and Shive campuses to the new campus and boxes are everywhere. We hope to have a second Open House at a later date. If you are attending the ribbon cutting, please park in the street or in the lot at the corner of Yamparika and Stadium as there is work being done on the parking lot.
over 1 year ago, Vernon ISD
ves ribbon cutting
We apologize for the late posting. Here is the VISD Cafeteria Menu for the month of October.
over 1 year ago, Vernon ISD
menu october
Here's a weekly "What's Happening at VMS" update spearheaded by 8th grader Blake Haney.
over 1 year ago, Vernon ISD
what's happening vms
The McCord 6 Weeks SuperStars for the first six weeks of the year are: Aitana Caballero, Pre-K; Nalani Fields, Kindergarten; Emiliano Cervantes, 1st Grade; and Blossom Lar, Specials. Congratulations!!! Great job!!!
over 1 year ago, Vernon ISD
McCord Elementary held its 1st 6 Weeks Success Rally Friday morning and got a little help from the VHS Cheerleaders, Vernon Lion football players and members of the Roarin' Lion Band S.W.A.T. team. To say the youngsters were full of excitement is an understatement.
over 1 year ago, Vernon ISD