We currently have moisture on the ground in Vernon and it is expected to continue throughout the night with temperatures expected to hover just above the freezing line overnight. We have decided to be cautious and have a 2 hour delayed start tomorrow, Thursday, February 2. Buses will run 2 hours late as well.

The girls powerlifting meet on Thursday in Petrolia has been cancelled.

Vernon Community:
Vernon ISD will move to close all campuses today, February 1. The threat of precipitation has been enhanced overnight with now a greater than 50% chance of precipitation existing at several times during the day. Stay warm and safe!

Please join us in congratulating the following senior football players, and one very hard working trainer, on being selected to the THSCA Academic All-State Football Team. These student athletes excel both in the classroom and on the field. Way to represent the Lions!
Beau Gearld - Honorable Mention Academic All-State 2022-23
Kiley Ford - 2nd Team Academic All-State 2022-23
Garrett Sparks - Honorable Mention Academic All-State 2022-23
Mason Brothers - Honorable Mention Academic All-State 2022-23
Ash Lay - Honorable Mention Academic All-State 2022-23

Vernon Community:
Vernon schools will opt for another 2-hour delay tomorrow, February 1. Buses will run 2 hours late. The rationale behind the decision is we see a current forecast for rain/sleet/snow falling at 10:00a.m. when the temperature will rest at 27 degrees. A 2-hour delay does not help at all in a situation like this but it will help in giving the team and I the time needed to see if things change one way or another.
My hat’s off to this staff, who have dealt with quite a few adjustments this week yet are so committed to the mission to teach that they rise and show up even during adverse weather.

All major roads and bridges in and around Vernon have been driven this morning and despite the bitter cold outside, we will continue with our plans for a 2 -hour delayed start for all campuses at Vernon ISD. Buses will run 2 hours late. We will continue to monitor the weather throughout the day.

Vernon Community:
We will continue to monitor the weather conditions closely. We are primarily concerned with a strong chance of precipitation in the early morning hours while the temperatures remain well below the freezing mark. For this reason, Vernon I.S.D. will move for another 2-hour delayed start on Tuesday, January 31. Buses will run 2 hours late. We feel confident that the delayed start will give us enough time to make the best decision moving forward.

The high school basketball games that were rescheduled to tonight against City View have been canceled. The makeup dates are TBD.

The 1st Annual 4-person golf scramble, benefitting the Vernon ISD Education Foundation, will be held April 22, 2023. More information about the scramble and how to enter will be posted at a later date. Sponsorship opportunities will be available as well.
Thank you to everyone for your continued support of Vernon ISD. If you are interested in sponsorship opportunities, please contact Kori Eakin @ 940-553-1900 extension 2229.

Each year, every school campus in Texas is given a School Report Card. We want to make sure our parents and community are aware of these and where to find them. You can find the 2022 School Report Card for all of our VISD campuses here: https://www.vernonisd.org/documents/district-information/accountability-reports/district-and-campus-report-cards/311080

Vernon Community:
Vernon ISD employed a team of drivers this morning to drive roads at 6:00 a.m. to ensure that all community members would be safe as we transition students to school. The roads are just fine and we expect no hardships in getting our kids back to school. Vernon I.S.D. will move forward with a 2-hour delayed start at all campuses this morning. Parents and students can expect all school buses to run their normal routes; just 2 hours later than normal.

Vernon Community:
Due to the weather forecast and amount of moisture already accumulating, we are going to play it safe and move forward with the closure of Vernon ISD schools today, Tuesday, January 24, 2023. We feel that we would be able to get students and staff to school safely, but the weather models show that there could be perilous conditions around departure time; thus, impacting our ability to guarantee everyone’s safe arrival home. The frost line currently shows it will be freezing around 10am here in Vernon, and we are looking at the possibility of 3-5 inches of snow by this evening on top of the rain that will turn to ice once the temperature drops.
In order to ensure that families have enough time to adjust, we will also go ahead and make the move for a 2-hour delayed start for tomorrow, Wednesday, January 25, 2023.

Vernon Community:
In addition to me, district officials have been monitoring Monday night’s and Tuesday’s forecast since last week. Our concerns have grown due to the weather models that have constantly changed. In the best interest of both our students and staff, all Vernon schools will move to a 2-hour delayed start for tomorrow. The 2-hour delay gives district officials enough time to access the roads in the morning and review the most current weather forecasts. An update will be posted on the district’s website, the district’s APP and Facebook to determine further decisions beyond the 2-hour delay.
Dr. Kermit Ward
VISD Superintendent

Please see the attached message from our Superintendent regarding a social media post on Friday mistakenly referring to one of our local campuses. Please know the post has been investigated and determined not to affect any Vernon ISD campuses, but we will be monitoring the situation closely.

Vernon ISD is bringing in Dr. Harrison to talk to our students and community about bullying prevention. Dr. Harrison will be at the following locations on February 28.
- Vernon High School to meet with the students at 9:00am
- Vernon Middle School to meet with the students at 1:30pm
- Wilbarger Auditorium to meet with the parents and the community at 6:00pm
We look forward to working with our students and the community to prevent bullying.

Our new Vernon Elementary School construction is coming along nicely! We should be in our new school later this year. Check out what's coming in our new school: https://youtu.be/1hwC8vpjomQ

Just a reminder that the survey for the Community Resource Fair will close tomorrow, Jan. 20th, by end of day. After that date, the survey will no longer be open to receive responses. Thank you to those that have already filled it out and provided their input! Here is the survey link:

Vernon ISD is working hard to make sure that our students and staff are safe. In addition to monitoring our visitors, securing our doors, and the other safety measures we have put into place, we also want to make sure that our students are safe from bullying. You can report any bullying incidents anonymously by filling out a report here: https://appweb.stopitsolutions.com/login
You can also access that link by going to the homepage of www.vernonisd.org and all of our campus websites. In addition, this link is now available in the Menu on our Vernon ISD App.

Vernon ISD will be streaming their varsity basketball games on YouTube. Please subscribe to the following YouTube Channels:
Boys: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSH43Vppgnzu_0IfGHGGxvw
Girls: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvgZbVCvfpqHHSKSzhOPR3A

🏀 Our 7th and 8th grade Lady Lions came to support our Varsity Lady Lions tonight at the game and were recognized at half-time! Let's go, Lady Lions!!!