Just a reminder that ALL Vernon ISD campuses will be CLOSED on Monday, January 16 and Tuesday, January 17.

Every public school district and campus have School Report Cards and Federal Report Cards published annually. This information is posted on our VISD website located at https://www.vernonisd.org/page/accountability-reports.

Hello Vernon Lion families! We are planning a community resource fair this Spring. Our hope with this event is to connect our families to the community resources in our area. We would love to have your input for the event and learn what type of resources you would like to see represented there. Please use the link provided below to record your thoughts. The survey will close on Jan. 20th. The information gathered from the survey will help us to plan and coordinate the event. Thank you in advance for taking the time to complete this survey!
Access the survey here: https://forms.gle/biecJCKHwQKRM7rQ9

We here at Vernon ISD want to see our students succeed as much as you do. We want to give them the absolute best and are striving to improve every day. One of those improvements is that Vernon High School will be administering, AND paying for, the ACT exam for ALL of our 11th grade students at Vernon High School! We believe this is one more step towards setting our students up for success!
More information will be shared with these students at a later date.

🍕Here is the January Cafeteria Menu for Vernon ISD: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DDRdSl_4YrpUGk6hm1kUe4xMuMvLdTlS/view?usp=share_link

👉1/2: NO SCHOOL for students (teachers have a workday)
👉1/3: NO SCHOOL for students (teachers have PD)
⭐1/4: ALL students return to school
👉1/16-1/17: NO SCHOOL and all offices will be closed
You can view our full 2022-2023 School Calendar here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1v-xbxT_vSvucxjiHC4sJotcazTr6kNjn/view?usp=share_link

Meet my new friend Bentley. During my campus tours, I ran into this little fella and I was caught off guard when he said, "Hello Dr. Ward". These Vernon ISD kids are simply the best and deserve the absolute best that we can give them.

Just a reminder that the last day of school before our break will be Friday, December 16. Enjoy the holidays and we look forward to seeing all of our students again on January 4!

Our new Vernon ISD Superintendent, Dr. Kermit Ward, has a message for our Vernon Community.
You can also view Dr. Ward's letter here: https://www.vernonisd.org/o/vernon-isd/page/superintendent-welcome

Dr. Ward, Vernon ISD’s new Superintendent wanted to spend his first day on campus with kids! Dr. Ward said, “This morning I wanted to meet kids and this particular student was the very first high schooler on campus.”


Come join us on Thursday, December 1, to welcome our new Superintendent, Dr. Kermit Ward, to Vernon ISD!

Just a reminder that all Vernon ISD campuses will be closed November 21-November 25. We wish you a very happy Thanksgiving and look forward to seeing all of our students when they return on Monday, November 28.

Anonymous Reporting
Vernon ISD is committed to the safety of our students and want them, along with the community, to feel comfortable with reporting any concerns they may have. We are now using a program called Stop It which allows anyone to make an anonymous report about a variety of situations including bullying, drugs, vaping, violence, self-harm, threats, and so much more!
If you, or someone you know, would like to make a report, they can do so by going to https://appweb.stopitsolutions.com/login. They will search for Vernon ISD and then choose the campus. The report is completely anonymous.

REMINDER: Tonight's football game at our stadium is NOT a Vernon Lion football game. We are hosting a playoff game for two other districts. Your passes will NOT work for entry to the game held at our stadion tonight!

🏈Playoff Game Live Stream🏈
If you can't make it to your Vernon Lion playoff game tonight, you can watch it on WFISD's YouTube page located here: https://www.wfisd.net/YouTube

🏫Just a reminder that there will be NO SCHOOL on Friday, November 11. All Vernon ISD Campuses will be closed on this day.

🏈Football Playoff Game Information🏈
Your Vernon Lions will have their playoff game against Whitesboro on Thursday, November 10, at 7:00pm. The game will be held at Memorial Stadium in Wichita Falls and we are the visiting team.
Ticket Info:
- Tickets can be purchased online here: https://www.wfisd.net/Page/22291
- Credit cards will be accepted at the gate but please be aware that there is only one person that will be taking credit cards at the gate so lines may be long.
- Cash is NOT accepted at the gate.
Here is a link to a map of the stadium and more information: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lJFrrpZh-fNIMkut1jR45aw5ah-8rblv/view?usp=share_link
🦁Come on out and support your Vernon Lions!

🍕November Lunch Menu🍕
Here is the November Lunch Menu for all Vernon ISD Campuses: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1C2YzDFFbYxwE_QVrTBJmRjDCtC5spGAW/view?usp=share_link

Just a reminder that there will be no school on Friday, October 28, for all Vernon ISD campuses due to a staff professional development day.